
Flat earth map tree of life
Flat earth map tree of life

flat earth map tree of life

The lower the score, the better the map, with a score of 0 being perfect. In 2007 Gott and Goldberg created a ranking system that gave every 2D map of the Earth a score for its accuracy based on how much it distorted key elements like distances and area.

flat earth map tree of life

The new map is the latest example of years of research and critique by Gott and his colleagues on existing 2D maps of Earth. "We believe it is the most accurate flat map of Earth yet," they wrote in the study.

flat earth map tree of life

The group published their efforts on the pre-print open access repository arXiv. Gott was joined by Princeton mathematician Robert Vanderbrei and physicist David Goldberg from Drexel University in Philadelphia to create the map. Gott, Vanderbei and Goldberg/Princeton University The group said they believed it was the most accurate 2-D map of the Earth ever produced. Richard Gott, Robert Vanderbei and David Goldberg. Read more about our fact-checking work here.Map by J. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check Team. An image being used to suggest that that the earth is flat and trees are not real is actually of a collage made by Spanish artist Fernando Martin Godoy in 2015. Those who believe in this theory claim that geological formations like Devils Tower in Wyoming, Giant’s Causeway in Ireland and Uluru in Australia are actually giant tree trumps ( here , here ). Reuters fact-checked claims on social media arguing Devil’s Tower was a tree stump, here . Real trees are nothing like their stunted cousins, the miserable perishing scraps of wood that we see today they were truly vast, hundreds of kilometers tall, magical organisms that sustained a total living ecology of the flat earth” ( here). In 2016, The Atlantic published an article on the theory that summed it up as follows: “Thousands of years ago, a cataclysmic event destroyed 99% of the Earth’s biosphere, and when it happened, it took away the real forests.

Flat earth map tree of life