
Yum install specific version of package
Yum install specific version of package

yum install specific version of package

Plus, looks like the lock is still in place:Įnable all repositories and try again? :Įrror: Multilib version problems found. $yum upgrade -skip-broken seems to work but doesn't seem to, because re-running it shows the same broken packages $ yum upgrade complains about a number of duplicate packages:Ībattis-cantarell-fonts-0.0. is a duplicate with abattis-cantarell-fonts-0.0. Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager, versionlock I followed the instructions and cleared my versionlock ~]# yum versionlock list To discard the list of locked packages, use: # yum versionlock clear To display the list of locked packages, use: # yum versionlock list See the yum-versionlock(1) for a list of all available commands. The above configuration will not allow yum update or yum upgrade to update any of the gcc packages to version greater than what was installed at the time the locking was performed. Yum will normally attempt to update all packages, but the plugin will exclude the packages listed in the versionlock.list file. The plugin stores a package list in `/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list, which you can edit directly. Use the yum versionlock plugin to lock a package or packages to currently installed version. To install or lock the version of the gcc group of packages, run # yum versionlock gcc-* The /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list will be created on the system. # yum install python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock Lock a package to a specific version only, and no later.

Yum install specific version of package